homemade apple Moonlit Dreams ~❥: family
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Fragile Heart

My heart may be fragile this journey but it is with abundant love and light. So if I feel you are without regarding spiritual energy in return I choose to not let you in. My heart and soul come first and foremost these days. This is a vow to myself and it is heart wrenching that I write this about family. Alone in a cold dark place last night has shown me the light, I want to return to my home and desire the comfort of my bed tonight. I want to be held and let out more tears. I am learning that my heart can only be protected by me. Myself alone, I must make decisions that may break now but in hopes the space will grow with a love that can be bonded once again. I can only seek what heals my heart.

With this breath I ask of you Universe;
let everything and all be free that shall be,
let all and everything enter at its own free flight. 

a vow by me...
May 10, 2015~ July Jennifer 

Monday, August 11, 2014

Grateful For...♥

...in no special order.

Falling in Love with my friends, they are all so beautiful in so many ways.

Falling in Love with all the beautiful men in my life that I shared an intimate relation with. Intimacy holds onto the heart forever.

Family; I don't have a very big family but we have the strongest bond and most honest relationship.

Losing myself over certain times in my life because only then was I able to go a little deeper and find myself once again. What grows inside of me...

Finding yoga, Bikram, meditation and most cherished, "spirituality" that dances with my heart.

Music. Finding art, finding my words once again to write. Finding dance again that makes my heart sing.

Heartbreak; because I truly believe it makes you deeply connected and centered with yourself. If you can realize sometimes it's happiness to let go.

My felines that have sauntered their way into my heart and where, forever they will remain.

Forgiveness, a quality I sometimes believe is my downfall beause I forgive so easily which can be painful later. But without this, are we able to even move on.

Friends and Laughter, a combo that's dangerous for many happy memories!

The Moon, the Stars, the Ocean; I'm so wrapped up in you.

Me...because the only one that can center and find a true love for oneself (at all times) is, yourself.

   and most of all..

Life...always pondering deep romantic thoughts...

August 11, 2014~ July Jennifer ♥