homemade apple Moonlit Dreams ~❥

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Release Me

passive love affair
behind a mask you wear
no more weeping soul
release me from the anchor
that restrained
so many untold years

I am no longer yours
to keep
so why do I still weep
your heavy anguish
be stills my heart
no more to bestow
nevertheless a love
that suffocated many moons ago

your words keep me hostage
to your wall
I am bound
I can no longer be
inside your knotted rope
I leave only my finger prints
an outline
of all that have I carried for you

 July Jennifer 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Her Last Breath

unrelenting breath.
Merely a single exhalation
would evoke all vulnerability;
lungs collapse.
She would all at once
let go,
tears streaming down uncontrollably.
It wouldn't surrender
until he held her head with his hands,
only then he finds her exposed.

There was no reasoning,
just abandon.
She was exhausted,
tired of weeping
being consumed from sadness;
imprisoned for years.

Can you embrace her,
Can't you just adore her.
Take her within you,
never let go.
Send goose bumps down her spine
like she once knew.
Butterflies fluttering...

She's apprehensive of any deep inhalation;
she's drowning
and not sure when to relinquish.
It was all so intricate
bound into years of defiance.
She's heartsick,
the pieces are falling
can't you see her tears.
A love bound by reckless care,
she doesn't know how to compose her thoughts.

Isolated tears fall from her face
and the moonlight shines upon her features
as reflections run through her spirit;
Can't you just take her into you...

Can't you behold,
in a time to come you intend to perceive.
What was once the moonlight upon her face;
the face of wonder and love,
was the one that gave you deepened breath.
The radiance that will illuminate your way...

August 7, 2014~ July Jennifer ♥

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Butterflies are Dying...

She's a single butterfly
 fluttering about,
 to the rhythm of her own wings.
She'll fly with courage and dignity;
 only then,
her light will radiate
 what it once was.
She'll fly and love freely now,
 for the chains have been lifted.
She is no longer a prisoner in her own world...
July 31, 2014~ July Jennifer ♥

Friday, May 30, 2014

Sea Traveler

Moonlight pirouettes upon the great sea.
There is a sacred dance,
off ebb and flow;
a rhythm.
Vitality, divine
as the salty kisses he gives,
a dancers delight;
marks new life.
Below that vast sea,
across coral that reaches infinity,
thrives another world;
where energy emanates across millions
of volcanic force;
evolved over a lifetime.
You, intoxicate me
with your world.

A wonder, you are
of magnificent life.
Two separate universes inhabit one world.
A dance with the pale blue moon;
a reflection
that lights the way below,
is a reflection, dancing in my heart.
Into vast sea,
two worlds collide
within each other.
Two creations of life intertwine in harmony,
shaping and forming life.

original year {2011/12}~ July Jennifer
scuba diving trip, can't remember which year♥

Thursday, March 13, 2014

January 25th

last night at 2:36am
there was a kitten
who echoed in vintage
and danced her heart out.
A reverie that thrives in this Goddess form
dwells in the deepest part of her...
But it is here
she calls home♥

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Haiku Poem~ Home in my Heart♥

I dream of this place
within my soul, where I live.
one day, this is home

January 8, 2014~ July Jennifer ♥